From Las Vegas, Nev. @ 8pm
Tournament Match: Ricochet pinned Katsuyori Shibata using a prawn hold with his feet on the ropes.
Mark Davis & the Murder Machines (Brian Cage & Lance Archer) were shown attacking wrestlers in the back.
Timeless Toni Storm cuts a promo in the back.
Powerhouse Hobbs pinned Griff Garrison after a spinebuster in a squash match.
Thunder Rosa is attacked in the back by Megan Bayne while Rosa was being interviewed.
Tournament Match: Mark Davis pinned Mark Briscoe after hitting a jump up piledriver. Brian Cage pushed Briscoe off the top rope before the driver.
Murder Machines squashed 4 jobbers. Mark Briscoe tried to make the save, and then Powerhouse Hobbs helped make the save.
Swerve Strickland comes out to the ring to cut a promo. Jon Moxley hit him with a crowbar and did a curb stomp on him also.
Top Flight (Dante & Darius Martin) & Hologram defeated Shane Taylor Promotions (Lee Moriarty & The Infantry (Carlie Bravo & Shawn Dean) after a dropkick/ german suplex combo.
Thunder Rosa vs. Megan Bayne
F.T.R. (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) vs. Undisputed Kingdom (Kyle O’Reilly & Roderick Strong)
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