Man Attacked a Woman at a Waffle House with a Machete
Daytona Beach, FL: Police are looking for a man who attacked a woman at a Waffle House with a machete, yesterday morning.
Daytona Beach, FL: Police are looking for a man who attacked a woman at a Waffle House with a machete, yesterday morning.
10/19/2021-Madison County, FL, a man walked into a Waffle House and tried to rob the restaurant by pointing a finger gun at the people inside. He walked out with…..NAPKINS. He…
10/15/2021-Laurel, MS, a mother, Kishawna Jackson 34, and her companion, Zachary Combest 31, were arrested after they locked her 2 daughters, 12 & 16, in a U-Haul van, while they…